is just literally around the corner and I can bet not all of You are as
organised as I am in this season *Loughs Evilly*.
Haha, just
kiddin’... I am terrible with everything lately and the truth is... the stack
of presents in my wardrobe is begging to wrap itself for the past month. And
taking under consideration that it is Christmas day in only 2 days, and the
last thing that’s on my wish list this year is wandering around the town,
finding shops that are actually still open and grabbing the last and worst
pieces of wrapping equipment, I decided to go a bit lazy this year and use
whatever I have to make the gifts look... well... a bit more descent under the
Christmas tree.
Okay, so
here I have 4 quick and terribly easy ways to pack your gifts and present
‘’last minute’’.

1.The most common and basic way to
pack a gift- that’s right, just wrap it. But thinking about it, I tried finding
a way that would be out of the norm just to make it look a bit more
interesting. (This would also work if you’re running out of wrapping paper or-
like often happens in my case- only have ones that say ‘’Happy Birthday’’ or
have Moshi Monsters on them. :P )
Anyways, the thing with this; you take a paper bag of any sort
(preferably one colour) –it can be gotten in any discount store really- you cut
the amount needed to wrap your gift, and then it’s all up to you if you’re
going to decorate it and/or use sticky letters for the name.

3. Again something very famous; simple
bag. But the idea to make it a bit more attracting is to cover it up with
decorating paper, attach a card, and stick
a bit of ribbon. This way, it won’t be that old, boring looking bag

5. Right, so the last one isn’t really
a packing technique, these are just 3 tips what to do if you’re lacking in
decorations and there is absolutely no way you’re going to be going to town.
name tags? Take some old Christmas cards (or new ones, whatever you like); cut
them in half leaving the front facing upwards. Write whoever it is to on the
card, stick it onto the present and optionally place a small string of ribbon
as well.

way would be to take some sticky letters (as I did earlier) and obviously just
stick them on the finished gift.
find ribbon anywhere? Don’t worry, party serpentines do just as good and if you
have none... take some colourful paper, cut lots of very thin straps, and using scissors
curl them. Nothing easier.
And that is all I can
tell you about wrapping, hope it have helped, and have a Great & Wonderful
Christmas! ^^
Love Loads,
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