
24 December 2015

A Christmas Tale | How It's Celebrated in Poland

Living in Ireland since the age of 7 taught me two things- 1) It's never an unsuitable time of the year to order hot choco and wear a woolly jumper 2) Out of all annoying questions I ever get asked, the cultural ones fascinate me the most.

Being asked about the lifestyle in Poland approximately twenty eight hundred times a year, I discovered how much in fact I am in love with the various traditions of different cultures and how passionate I am to hear (and talk) about them.

The main concept behind Christmas is obviously the same, but the traditions and rituals that follow vary quite a bit than to how its being celebrated in Ireland, UK, America etc.

So what exactly is the main difference?

20 December 2015

Prep Up That Party Face (December Glossybox)

Hello peeps,
Since we're getting more and more into the Christmas spirit and the 25th is already lurking out the corner, I'd say it's safe to assume festive parties are trending this week. I myself have few upcoming outings and the thought of getting ready is probably the most exciting bit! Having received my December Glossybox a whole two weeks back, I really wanted to make a post including some of the products I got and thought they would nicely combine with some of my already existing, party-skin-care-routine, basics .

14 December 2015

Currently On My Nails

Hello peeps,
As a short end week post I wanted to show you what is currently priding itself on my nails. I really love seeing posts on what others are wearing so I thought it would be fun to do one myself.

I'm definitely not an aspiring nail artist, and when it comes to nail art; I love seeing it, not doing it. I never really enjoy excessive designs on my nails, I don't feel good in them. Sometimes I allow myself a bolder, more vivid colour,

06 December 2015

Recent Beauty Besties

Hello peeps,
Is it too late for a November favourites post? Maybe, but I'm doing one anyway and since half of these stuff I have owned before November, lets treat it more as current beauty affairs. Lets go...

03 December 2015

Liebster Award- A Christmas Edition

Hello peeps,
Up until one morning, I didn't really have much understanding of the Liebster Award. Sure I've heard about it and on numerous occasions saw comments on other blogs that have been nominated but I've never thought I would find such a comment on one of my own posts. I mean, I was convinced it's just me, my keyboard and the screen and the realization that someone actually takes the time to pop their head over and acknowledge the work you put into your passion is the best pre Christmas gift ever!

Not to mention the fact I've been nominated not by one but four lovely girls!

29 November 2015

Christmas Shopping Gone Wild?

Hello peeps,
As you are probably all aware, the black Friday shopping madness took majority of people go crazy, not just two days ago. I myself, was lucky enough to get the day off school and head down town for few unnecessary bits that I can promise, will come necessary eventually *fingers crossed*.

No worries, I did actually have a list of stuff to get before December and with an honest heart, I swear by my fairy lights I stuck to it! (more less) Anyhow, here's my little spree put together in a lovely, short post. Enjoy :)

22 November 2015

Mockingjay Part 2 | Movie Review

Back in 2012, myself and a friend were giving it a blind date of sort, with only a catchy title and urge to go and see a movie, we didn't quite know what the Hunger Games were and what there was to expect. Now I compare the first part with a bath inside an ice filled tank. Having never seen such a movie before I was left utterly speechless. Throughout the entire two hour period, myself and my friend did something that was quite impossible for us; we spoke not a single word.  Leaving the theater I knew that couldn't have been it. I longed for more and couldn't get over the fact how it ended. It all began there.

I googled it, purchased the book series, read it in a week just to re-read again, I quoted the script, brushed my hair into the so popular, characteristic braid, stayed a loyal fan, spread the plague, discovered which district I would belong to, questioned if I'd survive the games, who my allies would be and obviously carried on the endless topic of discussion; Team Gale or Peeta? (It was always Peeta by the way).

It wasn't a shock that once final franchise comes out I would be the first in line to get the tickets, squeak and bounce up and down with endless excitement. And there it happened, weekend came around and all I could think about on Saturday evening was when I would finally be able to wriggle in an uncomfortable cinema chair just to see how it ends. I knew they wouldn't shock me. I read the books, I saw hundreds of sneak-peaks and listened to my friends remind of everyone who dies at the end. I knew certain details better than my own wardrobe but the general idea was blurry in my mind, thankfully.

I liked how it began. Katniss's speech gave me shivers, Haymitch caused me to laugh throughout and the pathetic kiss between Gale and the Mockingjay forced me to scream at the screen in the loudest whisper possible. Filled with action, tension and crazy make up, it was exactly what I expected. Giving praise not only to the special effects team and Francis Lawrence for delivering quite a spectacle, I sincerely admire Jennifer's marvelous acting skills. She wasn't how I pictured Katniss, but because she knew how to put on that show and make me fall in love with it, I can forgive the casting directors.

So what went wrong? Surprised that something even might have? Well, I was.

Only when it got to the very end, I understood, how extremely dragged it was. They didn't split a 450 page book into two in order to get in as much detail and excitement as possible. They made a half and half just because they would gain more, which seems quite obvious in today's world. But the final effect really suffered because of this. They stuck to the book as a full on christian to a bible. There was too much of unnecessary detail and even though all the tension built up to the end in some way or another, it was brutally destroyed when the main character lost her consciousness; at the same time we lost the ending. One minute we see a blood bath thinking this is it, the next everything is done and dusted, a perfect order we wanted to see. Too bad we didn't see how they managed to restore it.

Not to go on and mention how they put together the final scene. If you read the book you were probably most grateful for being able to see a flash forward after the rebellion. If you saw the movie, then you probably went out wishing to receive an axe and the directors head on your front porch. The ending of any movie makes what you remember of it. The ending of Mockingjay part 2 makes me remember it as a sweetened, pulled out from the 50's, sickening love affair with fake scenery, cheap costumes and rotten screenplay. Thanks to this, I now consider it a complete disaster, a bit worthless of my time and I won't hide, this really does upset me.

It could have given me butterflies in the stomach, it could have made me scream and shout and praise and admire and freak out about it, it could have given me insomnia. It didn't.

Splitting the book, was the first mistake they made. Sticking to almost every word in the book, was the second. And that cheesy, not explaining anything, ending was the grand finale.

The series was a true passion of mine. I loved it all the way through. I stood up for it when other's mocked certain bits. Now, when it has all ended, I don't regret a single moment dedicated to it. It was worth spending the 7 euro on, but in the end I'm going to continue hating them for ruining a legend.

15 November 2015

Apple & Cinnamon, Wholemeal Pancakes

Hello peeps,
I was feeling extremely productive this Sunday and also craving my ultimate favourite food ever; PANCAKES!! ^_^... so I decided to make some.

But since I'm trying my best to be healthy, it was obvious the go-to buttery+sugary batter won't pass. Instead, I  pulled out few ''better option'' ingredients from my fridge and cupboard and voila. It came out yummy and definitely healthier than your typical pancakes so I thought I'd share the simple recipe :)

Serves: approx. 4 
1 egg
200ml low-fat milk
100ml buttermilk 
225g whole-meal flour
1 large apple (grated)
1 tsp bread soda
cinnamon and/or ground allspice 
pinch of salt
rapeseed oil for frying (or any other source of fat) 
optional: spoonful low-fat cream cheese, honey

1) Beat the egg into a bowl + whisk.
2) Mix in milk + buttermilk.
3) Sieve in flour + soda, mix using a whisk to prevent clumping.
4) Add in the apple mash, cinnamon, allspice and salt, accordingly.
5) Pre-heat the pan and fry on medium heat for approx. 2mins on each side.
6) Serve with low-fat cream cheese or natural yogurt and honey. Bon appetit! 

These were delicious and you can obviously vary the filling as you wish.

You probably wouldn't even believe what a sucker I am for pancakes. I don't think I could live without them and the best part is making them different each time.

Please, please,please share your most favourite recipes for pancakes down in the comments below and I'll definitely try them out :D

Have a good week!


11 November 2015

Unboxing My First Glossybox!

Hello peeps,
To my very huge excitement, I was thrilled to come home from school and find this baby being delivered earlier in the day.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Glossybox, it is a beauty subscription box based in the uk and here in Ireland. Basically, I signed up online to receive a box of five beauty goodies at the beginning of each month. It's like having your birthday for half of the year!

And being so delighted with it finally arriving, I thought I'd share it's contents with you :)

You have to admit, how cute is the packaging?

 First thing I've got is the Royal Apothic Moisturizing Body Creme, in travel size, which I am super excited to test out!

 Next up, the eyelure fake lashes. Obviously keeping those for some more special, festive occasion.

 The MUA eye shadow palette which I know I will love already! Naturals are my shades.

 Emite Make-up Diamond Heart Base Primer in travel size. One that will probably be rarely used as I don't wear foundation :/ 
And probably my favourite in the entire box, Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick in the shade 415 Pink In The Afternoon. I'm so excited to try this out as I do not own that many lipsticks, and I really love the natural pink shade.

So that is it! As I said, I am most excited with the lipstick and probably least with the lashes and primer as they won't get used a lot but I will definitely try everything out.

Are any of you subscribed to Glossybox or something similar? Maybe you've tried some of these products before? Let me know in the comments and if you're interested in subscribing to Glossy box you can do so by clicking here and have a goodnight everyone :)


08 November 2015

Christmas Shoe Boxes

Hello peeps,
for some of us it might still be too early to worry about Christmas. If you're like me, you'll probably purchase all your gifts on either the 1st or 23rd of December, when that little red light bulb in your brain will begin to flash; ''ding ding ding; you're broke af, the shops are closed and it's already that month!'' (excuse the language)

But no matter how long it still is until Christmas, it is definitely never too early to think about the presents you can give to someone in need this year.

The Irish charity organisation Team Hope, runs its Christmas Shoe Box appeal every year all over Ireland, in which all can take part. Basically, it's all about making a special gift for children from the poorest countries in the world. It's a lovely way to put a smile on their face and spread the true spirit of Christmas. 

The first time I recall making a shoe box of my own was back in primary school, probably when I was 10. Ever since, I try to take part every year, but this year I also wanted to share this with you guys. 

As all of us, most likely, come from different parts of the globe, there are different opportunities for us to help out someone this Christmas. My message is; get involved! Maybe it's your school or youth club that's organizing a charity event? If not, why not take part as an individual? Research events out. It really doesn't take so much to do so much.

If you have the possibility to do something similar as to the shoe box appeal, then go for it!
The guide to what can be included in your shoe box (according to Team Hope) are the 4Ws: Write, Wash, Wear, Wow! (treats and sweets) and I myself try to include something from each category in each box. 

Here's a few pictures of my shoe box for a girl aged 10-14 (you can choose yourself for whom you want the box to be) and maybe this will give you some inspiration if you're also taking part in something similar this year :)

My mom likes to help out too and she bought this cute, woolly hat ^_^

The lid and box are packed separately

You can also put in things you own and never use. My pair of gloves was too small ever since I got them and instead of keeping them at the bottom of my drawer for who-the-hell knows how many more years, I decided to give them away.

Besides the essentials like tooth brush and tooth paste, three packets of sweets are a must!

Primark winter sales are the best to find something perfect to include in the box. Here I got this set of cute hairbands, a small hairbrush, nail filer and a winter themed lip balm. The nail polish is one of my own and since I'm not too much in love with its colour I thought maybe someone else will like it :)

Guys, I hope you all have a great November ahead of you and let's all forget about New Year resolutions. Whatever you want to do, whether help out in a charity or something more personal, we're starting now! xx


01 November 2015

Tour De Mon Bookshelf

Hello peeps,
It's November ahhh... back to school tomorrow and the last thing I wish for is tones of h/w and study that will be crammed into us before Christmas exams...grrrr.

Having all the books and copies piled up on my desk can be really disheartening and one of my remedies to feel better is to always have a nice and tidy decor. To no surprise comes the fact that I love taking care of my modest book shelf, because there is honestly nothing worse than disrespecting novels. And since I'm an organisation freak, all my books are arranged perfectly up on my desk shelves, the view for me to enjoy each night :)

My desk it this simple, white 16 cube shelf, which I got from Ikea ages ago. Four of my cubes are especially dedicated to part of the books I own and I love to keep my jewelry box and nail polishes at the side too.

Two of my all time favourite fantasy series include Harry Potter and The Hunger Games. (surprise, surprise)

On the romantic side of the story, Fallen series by Lauren Kate is my personal winner. And obviously, my bookshelf would not have been complete without multiple vampire novels, starting from the classic, Twilight, through Vampire Diaries right up to The Dark Heroine by one of my writing inspirations Abigail Gibbs.

 Closer to the bottom I have all my crimes but also some of those ''light & easy'' novels that are perfect for the bad days :)

 And for the grande finale, I absolutely love to keep all my magazines, doodle books etc. in a separate cute box that I think adds so much to the room and occupies your friends when they're over!

What do you think guys? :) Let me know what your 'must keeps on my desk' are and how you like to arrange your book shelves. I'll chat again soon.


30 October 2015

My Routine For Silky, Smooth Hair

Hello peeps :)
Hope you're all having a lovely week.
Today I really wanted to write about something I'm obsessed with and those who know me well, are more than aware of my crazy mind when it comes to hair. 

I have natural brown, short, straight hair with bleached ends. It's not damaged but I get really dry locks with oily strands at the roots. That's why I love to have my hair hydrated and smooth with as little washing as possible. The routine I currently have seems to work quite well so I thought it's about time to share it. Here's what I use on regular basis; 


I don't really have arranged hair wash days. They usually depend on whether I'm staying in or going out and what days I work-out on. But in general, I like to refresh my hair after every work-out with a no sulfate shampoo (Yves Rocher Low Sham-Poo), and then when my hair gets really bad, it just won't pass, I use the OGX Coconut Water Weightless Hydration, approx. twice a week. 

My method to it is very simple; I apply a walnut sized bead, massage into my hands and gently wash my hair, twice! I then move on with the TreSemme 24Hr Body conditioner (which is amaze balls at softening), hold on for 5 mins and rinse with cold water. 

Pre & Post Wash

Once a week, Sundays for me, I like to rub in some coconut oil into the ends of my hair, around two hours before wash for extra hydration.

 I also prepare green tea in a bowl, using old, used tea bags. I let it brew and cool down and rinse my hair with the mixture at the end of my shower (I leave this on, without rinsing with water!) This is very good to hydrate the scalp, prevent dandruff and hair loss as well as improve their growth. 

After every single wash, while my hair is still wet, I apply one squish of Pantene Split End Serum and allow them to dry naturally. 


I am so not bothered when it comes to styling. My usual hair look is naturally loose or some messy up-do. However, I do like to straighten my hair from time to time and for this I obviously use heat protection (TreSemme Heat Defence- which I really love!)

If by any chance I can't be bothered with hair wash but I want my hair to look fresh, I use the Herbal Essence Dry Shampoo and always tie my hair back.

Other points I follow:
  • Brush at least as possible and never do so when hair is wet!
  •  Use low heat when blow drying
  • Blow dry upside down for extra volume
  • Avoid excessive use of salt sprays, hair sprays and dry shampoos
  • Shake my hair out, up and down after wash to create volume
  • Eat my veggies, protein, drink green tea and exercise  
  • When going through hair crisis (usually during spring) I do take extra vitamins for strength.

Do you use any of these? If so, how do you find them? Any other tips on good hair care? :) Reply down in the comments and have a super lovely day! 


28 October 2015

Most Beloved Autumnal/Winter Vitals

Hello peeps,
It's almost November and I can't get over the fact it's getting so chilly outside! Yeep, I love winter, more than summer if  I'm being totally honest and layering up and staying in at home doesn't bother me at all. It is also this time of the year when my ''favourites'' take a big spin round from iced coffees to hot cocoa and it was just about time to share my ultimate necessities and things I'm just too obsessed with at the moment. Take a peak;

I can't exactly explain why, but the most appropriate book I thought would suit this season is no other than Harry Potter. I'm already on The Goblet of Fire and hope to finish the series before Christmas- the love struggle is real people.

Perfect outfit? Sweater, bright chimney scarf and dark booties (Oh and I obviously do wear bottoms as well, don't think I go around bare leg!)

Pistachios, pumpkins and oranges kind of took over my ideal snack understanding... perhaps entire meals, but I can't help it, it's Halloween!

With super frost came a super dry skin and I really love using pure almond oil for that issue. My favourite nail colour at the moment is this Tidal Wave blue, Sally Hansen gel nail polish and non of my meals do ever really go without a sprinkle of allspice :P

Let me know your current essentials down in the comments and have a super nice day! :)


26 October 2015

On Replay...

                  Hello peeps,
today I figured it's time to share my current play list as being at home means only one thing; cooking, reading, writing my blog, doing fitness and in the mean time, pretending I can sing.

Having lots of free time and motivated spirits I completely updated and improved my play list the previous night and came up with the idea to share some of my all time and current favourite songs out there :)

🎵 Adele- Hello
🎵 Aerosmith- Don't Wanna Miss a Thing
🎵Bon Jovi- Living on a Prayer
🎵 Christina Perri- Human
🎵 Demi Lovato- Confident
🎵 Hans Zimmer- He's a Pirate (Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtrack) 
🎵 Imagine Dragons- Radioactive
🎵 Linkin Park- New Divide; Numb; End

🎵 Lorde- Yellow Flicker Beat
🎵 Maroon 5- Animals
🎵 Sia- Fire Meet Gasoline
🎵 Mulan Soundtrack- I'll Make a Man Out of You

And here we have it! Some of these I've been listening to for years now and some I downloaded only recently. I'm always very curious to know other peoples' favourite music artists, bands and song are so do let me know down in the comments :) I'll write again very soon and until that time have a great week guys!


24 October 2015

Mid Season Downtown Shopping

Hello peeps :)
Today I wanted to share a teeny weeny shopping spree I did a week ago. Along with my BFF we agreed mid October was the perfect time to travel 40 minutes down to a bit bigger town and have a total girls day out, shopping around just for fun! Here's a peak of what I bought ^-^

Booties: New Look (40euro)
Shampoo: OGX- coconut water for weightless hydration (Boots approx 8euro)
Mascara: Benefit roller lash, travel size (Boots 12euro)
Hand sanitizing gel: Soap&Glory hand maid (Boots approx 1.50)

The Roller Lash was something I wanted to purchase for way too long and was so glad Boots had them in a mini size for 1/2 of the original price! 
Hand Maid gel is a must if you're still attending school or travelling the train daily, and its scent is just a-m-a-z-i-n-g, unlike all other antibacterial products. 
I haven't tried the OGX shampoos before and since everyone is raving about them (and they were on sale) I obviously grabbed one.

 I'm in love with ankle height booties since last fall and adding another pair to my collection wasn't that much of a surprise. I haven't thought I'll ever fall in love with this exact colour but they are just so beautiful and comfy!

And now that almost all my saving are spent and new purchases were made, I can honestly say I'm satisfied for the next two months.

Anyone else on their mid-term break? It's so good to be able to sleep in for the next week ahead.... I can really feel the winter coming now ^^


18 October 2015

Invisible- Book Review

 by James Patterson & David Ellis

When it comes to crime I am definitely the most picky one out there. Despite my absolute over excitement to read a piece of thrilling mysteries and rather certain blood baths, it is quite a challenge for an author to really draw me in. And since previously Patterson did quite well on this task, it was not inappropriate at all to take a novel filled with brutal murders, raging fires and quite graphic descriptions on a peaceful ''by the lake'' vacation (yes, that's how long I've been procrastinating this post!)

Publisher: Arrow Books
Publication date: 2014
No. of pages: 468
Genre: Crime, thriller, mystery
Main Character: Emmy Dockery- FBI researcher 
Setting: All over USA
Recommendation: Women, aged 25 +
Cover Rate: 4/10
Story Rate: 6/10

Emmy Dockery, a workaholic FBI researcher, has for the passed year been obsessed in one particular subject; the connection between her sister's death and dozens of other ''accidental'' fires happening all over the US. Everyone thinks she's crazy, and her suspense from work doesn't exactly help in proving her point. A serial killer is out there, carefully choosing his next victims, victims that have things in common and Emmy is the only one who spots the pattern. It's just the matter of convincing her colleagues to search down the bad guy, but how can she when non of them believe her?

In certain cases of my novel lists it's quite impossible to state why I liked a certain lecture. Some just seem to drag me in naturally, as if they exist out there for this purpose only. Of course I could ramble on about the amazing techniques, that make reading a hell lot easier; super short chapters, brilliant writing skills and ability to make any fiction become a reality. All which are an obvious characteristic and recognition sign to Patterson's works.

But what really made my enthusiasm and enjoyment to grow, was the fact that Invisible not only gave the perspective of the ''good guys'' chasing a person who's portrayed as evil since the blurb, but also the mischievous mind of the killer itself, really making the entire plot come to life. 

For the first time, not only have the characters find themselves tricked and played-on. It would be fair enough to say the reader is technically lied to throughout the whole book and once the last pages start to turn themselves, the Oh My Gods just flow out for endless hours. Of course I felt like a damn proud FBI worker when I figured what was going on before anyone else. Obviously, this reaction was intended, and certain details have been put in for the purpose of the readers' excitement of the discovery, but let's face it, this is the part why we love crime. 

One that always chops of my head and flushes remains down the drain before I even begin reading is the use of present tense. I don't think I'll ever stress out enough on how much I hate this style of writing. Whilst reading, I really do love to feel as a psychologist, listening to the problem my patient has been through and his amazing story that happened in the past. Reading books set in present gives more of the''I'm in a mental house, my dinner buddy is talking to herself pretending she's out and free'' feeling, if you get what I mean.

The story has also been really 'only-one- problem' centered. I haven't really found another issue develop in the middle, it was just based on who the killer is through the whole script. Even though I liked to see into the real side of work at the FBI, I feel like there might have been a bit too much focus on that aspect. The book, in my opinion, would have benefited a lot from having more ''out off office and non police talk'' chapters. 
I won't lie, it really was a self page turner. It drew me in, I felt some kind of connection with the characters and definitely was a nice thing to spend time on during boating. It's a good crime novel, with realistic plot and interesting story line, one worth reading. 

I would not re-read it, I would not think about what happens next before going to bed and I've clearly not grew some deep, long-lasting affection to it. However, as a one night stand it is definitely recommendable and a simple piece of some damn good thriller. 

06 October 2015

Another Drugstore Beauty Craze

Hello peeps,

so for a number of days/weeks back I've been to some ''little'' shopping sprees down town and happened to actually gather quite a collection of drugstore beauty products. It isn't quite a haul post, I suppose, as I didn't really go out and scoop it all into my bag at once, it just so happened that in a duration of a month my bathroom shelf filled from half-full to overflowing, and I'm just treating this as a short post of few new things that you could find in my room :)

1. Ziaja Active BB Cream (I'm liking it so far)

2. Garnier Micellar Water (always & forever ultimate no.1!)

3. Garnier Moisture Match Goodbye Dry (repurchased just for the season of dry skin and hot chocolate :D)

4. Pantene Split Ends Serum (enjoying using it after wash on wet hair but we'll see about the long term effects yet)

5. Rimmel Oh My Gloss *Stay My Rose* (not my favourite tone but nice hydration)

6. Garnier Neo Deodrant (really love the texture!)

7. Bourjois Volume Glamour Push Up Mascara (used it aprrox. 3 times and it disappointed me.... not worth its price :/)

8. Bourjois  1 Second Gel Nailpolish *Meli Melon* (love at first sight which happened to be deceiving. The colour changes once on nails to this rotten looking orange and it takes absolutely ages to dry properly! It does last for long though)

9. Eveline Diamond Hard and Shiny Nails Conditioner (OMG... This saves my nail life over and over again! I use this for over two years now and I can't stop raving about it and repurchasing it!)

10. Eveline miniMax Nail Polish *935 (light purple-y shade)* (had it on for the last four days. The colour changes to pink but it's so easy to apply, dries quickly, seems long lasting and is actually so damn pretty!) 

11. Golden Rose Express Dry Nail Polish *(Vibrant Red Shade)* (didn't really use this yet, I do admit it was the 'impulse buy' case scenario as I was desperate for red at the time ... too bad I no longer am...oops)

And that is all for today! Fingers crossed that some of these will find themselves in monthly favourites soon enough :D Do let me know if you tried these before and what do you think (especially about the ones I'm not too pleased with as of first impression) and I'll write again very soon :)
