Hello peeps,
You may or may not already know of my slight mascara addiction, and the collection I believe to be a bit exaggerated. But in a summary, the little beauty wands (with absolutely way too convincing packaging) are my heroin. Back in the day when I started blogging, one of the first posts was my mascara collection. Obviously it has changed a lot since that time and I've decided to redo this post, choosing my ultimate favorite and give you guys a run down of what's out there worth buying.

Rockin' Curves- Once I've been overly obsessed with Rimmel, especially their mascaras. This one I have had for ages and perhaps repurchased it a couple of times. Its bendy, curved brush does reach absolutely every inch of the lash line and really does enhance their length and shape. It is definitely one of the ''WOW!'' type of mascaras, however, I'm not too fond on the formula. After a whole day it starts to chirp up and is slightly hard to remove. If applied too quickly it's easy for lashes to clump. But overall it is one of my favorite drugstore mascaras out there.
Mega Plush- Crap, crap, crap and once more crap! My only expectations for it was to give me light but full of volume lashes. The wonky and wobbly wand makes it impossible to apply in a decent manner and majority of the mascara ends up on the eyelid. Formula is not too bad but the lack of effect you get, in reality requires tones of extra layers. Besides, for me, it really sticks the lashes and reduces their amount giving this horrible, shredded texture.
Lash Sensational- For a long while I was convinced people were way too in love with this and their opinions were only affected by make-up gurus' reviews. Personally, for good couple of months I did not find anything sensational about it. I have rather short but thick lashes, and it is usually the lengthening I struggle with. Basically, lengthening mascaras never give an incredible effect. But only recently I noticed how exceptionally it presents itself accompanied with nice eye shadow. Due to the contrast you can then really spot the lovely, wide-opened eye, so definitely loving that!
Double Extension- The double sided tube consists of a conditioning primer and a well formulated mascara to be applied over it. I am pretty much convinced it's the primer that does the magic and for this reason, I have been head over heals in love. Both the lengthening and volumizing effect are stunning and the application just as the removal are baby simple. I use the primer with majority of other mascaras and it really works wonders! (besides the Mega Plush- nothing works on that!)
Push Up- Mixed feelings have been crossing my mind regarding this one. One way I love its good quality and how well it presents itself with the L'Oreal primer. But the truth is, on its own it is genuinely disappointing. Your average mascara at double price. Definitely not glamorous, but it does separate the lashes quite nicely.
Grandiose- Again one that has been given a lot of praise, which in my opinion were slightly biased. However, it would be a lie to say I do not enjoy using it. My favorite part about it is definitely the weirdly curved brush and the intensity with which it covers. I love the short bristles that separate each lash individually and cover from inside out and top to bottom. The effect is massive but not that much better from Lash Sensational (even though this one looks well even without eye shadow). Removing it is a bit though, sometimes I feel as it was waterproof. Is it worth the entire 30 euro? Nope, I wouldn't give more than 20 for it if I had the choice but I guess we pay for the brand. Still, very lovely and practical.
Rollerlash- How long have I been on a hunt for this! Ultimately decided to go with travel size, in case it wouldn't be as amazing as they wrote. Thankfully it is, and serves me well. I can honestly say, the only lengthening mascara which does work on me to a further extent. Formula does not particularly outshine all others; it is good, no complains, but not magical whatsoever. The brush does the trick, super easy to use and build up layers. Nice coverage and extra long-lasting. On the packaging note- extremely appealing!
Drugstore-wise, Double Extension (8/10) wins no doubt, both affordable and beautiful. Straight after followed by Lash Sensational (7.5/10) and Rockin' Curves (7/10). In terms of high street, I think it has been long agreed nous adorons Rollerlash (8.5/10).
I have yet to find my perfect match, but I think I'm not doing bad so far :)
Have you used any of these before? What are your thoughts?
You are truly obsessed !! :)
ReplyDeleteI've aso been on a hunt for roller lash but first of all its so EXPENSIVE !! At least up here at North, but I'm wondering how much did you pay for it ? so i might pick it up on my next trip to the South :)
Oh and btw regarding to your last comment on my blog I would absolutely love to do a collab <3
I paid 12 euro for travel size. Full size costs 24/25 euro depending whether you buy in Boots or straight from Benefit counter. It is damn expensive indeed, but since everyone was raving about it I couldn't stop myself from spending a bit more to also give it a try :)
DeleteI love Roller Lash! I also don't use JUST one mascara at a time, I tend to use two and get fantastic results. :)
ReplyDeleteS .x http://ramblingsofayoungprgirl.blogspot.com/
Yes! And oh my goodness, the temptation of not buying a mascara in a pretty packaging is too much for me :D Thanks for you comment ^^